my project - Mein Projekt

I am sure that we cannot separate the topics of climate protection, human and animal rights, women's rights, refugee aid, waste of resources and consumer terrorism, environmental protection and veganism. Many active groups form a colorful culture and any project, that deals with these topics should get attention and support. 
On my journey around the world, I gather informations on these exciting topics in all countries and meet activists, to exchange ideas with them and to support local projects. Here are a few examples:
Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß wir die Themen Klimaschutz, Menschen- und Tierrechte, Frauenrechte, Flüchtlingshilfe, Ressourcenverschwendung und Konsumterror, Umweltschutz und Veganismus nicht voneinander trennen können. Viele aktive Gruppen bilden eine bunte Kultur und jedes Projekt, welches sich mit diesen Themen auseinandersetzt, sollte Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung bekommen. 

Auf meiner Reise um die Welt sammle ich in allen Ländern Informationen über diese spannenden Themen und treffe Aktivisten, um mich mit Ihnen auszutauschen und lokale Projekte zu unterstützen. Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

In Malaysia as a volunteer at a big Sikh Youth Camp. I m also allowed to attend the classrooms, to learn something new. Yay. 
Everything is really good organized and the kiddies have lot of fun. I`m happy, that I can support this great project.

In Malaysia I m helping a few weeks as a volunteer at a cow sanctuary. What an interesting experience, to care the cows and to plant trees and hedges. And this is also a religious place, running by Hindu people. So I learn something new about some Hindu Gods and meditation.

At the Kaurs Camp in Malaysia I share Informations about me and my project with the other Kaurs. 100 ladies from all over the world coming together to experience Sikhi together. I learn so much here.

I meet Janet in her home for orphans. 70 children living here at this place in the rural area of Kenya. She is a wonderful lady and cares the kids lovingly in every possible way. It's a simple place and the kids share beds and clothes, but at least the kids have a home, food, love and can go to school. 

In Tanzania I help a few weeks in Gurudwara Sahib as a volunteer to teach English and learn Panjabi Language. 

I meet Majaliwa and Dixon in Tanzania. They are artists, produce religious sculptures and social critical drawings and support children in an art project in Dar Es Salam. Its a beautiful project.

Social Work in Mombasa, Kenya. The Sikh Community and Rotary Club feeding disabled and/or homeless children on a regular basis. I'm happy that they took me to that place and let me be part of it for one day.

I meet Maxwell from the NGO Amref in Kenya. They are supporting health development in Africa since 50 years. Every day he is on the road to visit rural areas in Kenya. 

In Spain I m helping a few weeks as an volunteer in a religious Wellness-Center from the 7th day Adventists. A great experience with Bible study and vegan organic farmwork. What a wonderful combination.

My friend cycling lady Usha from Nepal, who travels through Nepal from west to east. A great woman. I'm surprised to meet such a modern lady here in Nepal. She has interesting ideas and supports environmental and human rights projects with her tour. 

Raj, "Cycle Baba" from India, who is on a world trip like me. He supports conservation projects with his tour "wheels for green", and in this context, he is planting trees and shares information about environmental protection.

At a jail school in Birgunj, Nepal. When most male offenders go to jail, their families often have no income. For this reason, there is next to the prison a block of rooms for the families and a school. 80 children of all ages go to school here. It is a warm welcome to this place. 

At the University of Patiala, I'm on stage with celebrities Billu Dhillon, Kanwar Grewal, Parvinder Singh and many more, talking to 3000 people about my project. 

There are a lot of private schools in India, where the students are learning in a beautiful way and the teachers are very responsible. It´s wonderful to give lecture at this places, where even the very small kiddies can speak english.

The Eco - Train is a traveling exhibition on environmental protection and sustainability. A great project that brings people education to their city. The train stops in different cities for a few days and travels through India for a few months 

I m invited at the Gatka festival from the Sikh community to give lecture for human rights and to take some classes in martial arts.

I give teacher training in Punjab, which and how to share informations about the context of global business and human rights to the students.

Sharing informations at the Patiala University. 

I support the Medical Check up camp from the NGO MfwS Dhuri. These camps are an important help for the poor people in India.

I am invited to World Daughters Day by my friend Mr. Parvinder Singh in Dhuri. The NGO Mfws-Privartan Dhuri, founded by Sandeep Jot Singh (IRS) is fighting for women and human rights in India and has many active members in several states in India.

I really love the students. Ist wonderful to share informations about human rights, animal rights and environmental protection.

Agra cycling club. This two men was cycling in a group of 5 from Kanyakumary to Leh for organ donation.

I meet the organic farmer Soe Tin on his bicycle. He is showing me his organic farm in Myanmar.

I visit Mr. Vieng 's organic coffee plantation in the Bolaven Plateau in Laos. He produces organic coffee and organic peanuts on his farm and takes each coffee bean 5 times in his hands to produce high quality.

In Thailand I visit the Ithanin Organic Farm, an organic farm and training center for sustainability. Here, new plants are grown, organic compost produced, organic soap and cleaning products made from plants and students and farmers taught in organic farming.

Because Dr. Thongluae is also working at the University of Maejo and teaches his students about sustainability and social business, I am invited to give lecture about my project. 

I meet Faheem Tazzwar in Kuala Lumpur. He volunteers for UNICEF Malaysia and educates people about the situation and rights of children in his country. 

Dr. Vandana Shiva is an environmental and human rights activist and operates an organic farm in Dehradun, the Navdanja Farm. When I visit the farm, I am warmly welcomed by her brother, Mr. Meera Shiva and the team. 

Gatka Team from Mr. Balvinder Singh in Punjab. Gatka is Sikh martial arts and teach the people to fight for the humanity. 

Kitchengardening with the NGO KVM Khetivirasatmission. They are supporting the vegan organic gardening.

Baba Ji from Gurudwara Sahib is blessing me and my project. The Sikh are warriors for human rights and live vegetarian. Waheguru.

In the schools I give lecture about the context of global business and human rights. The Kids love my project with the mix of adventure and education.

In Punjab, the TV and press is very interested in my project. I m very thanksful for that attention.

Vegan organic market in Ludhiana, Punjab. I support the KVM Khetivirasatmission, a NGO for organic farming. In this context, I visit many villages to support organic farming and share information about the context of global warming and farming.

There are some modern people in Pakistan who work for human rights and environmental protection in numerous NGOs. There is a Critical Mass Lahore that regularly rides the city and a vegan society is also very active. 

In Qazvin I am the guest at the Nature - Cleaners. This is an organization that has groups in many places in Iran that ride bicycles into nature to collect garbage. 

I meet Chairman Moein Gharemani and Babak Tootoonchi of the NGO "Hormat e Hayat", which means "Respect for life".  They are very interested in international cooperation and organized the international Green Peace Congress in Theran.

This man is cycling through Iran with his banner for animal rights.

I m going for a bike trip with the NGO Green Connection in Iran. What a wonderful time with the warmharted people. Thank you Maryam and Masoud.

Because it's exciting for the people, that as a woman I travel by bicycle alone, I'm asked to give a lecture at the Damavand Club in Theran, who is fighting for the women to ride their bikes. 

In Tbilisi, I visit Mariam, Helen and Jaeane at the Kiwi Cafe. They are activists of the vegan nonprofit community in Tbilisi and are committed to animals, humans and the environment.

At the vegan Mahatma Café in Istanbul I meet Atakan. He is a vegan athlete and animal rights activist, has a big vegan circle of friends and likes to share his Knowledge in diffrent NGOs. 

Turkish people are very active to fight for their rights. This demonstration takes place in Istanbul.

Casa Cainelui in Timisoara in Romania is a privately owned shelter. Street dogs are cared and transfered to Germany, Switzerland and Romania. The founder and shelter manager Romulus Sale has invested a lot of money and time, to help the dogs of Romania. 

The WWF Hungary Foundation is doing a good job of educating here. The environmental activist Marcell and his group are often in the city to inform people about environmental protection. 

In Bratislava I go to the Vegan Bar. This is a mainstream eatery with a daily changing menu in which many people go to eat the dish of the day.

The Dancing Shiva in Vienna is a rawvegan superfoods store with a very extensive range and a great ambience. The boss Riki opened the store 14 years ago. 

It's the 24-year-old vegan Marvin Fritz, who was walking the world within 2 years. At his Website you can find more Information. 

Kyla and Didier travel on their bikes for the Project: 
oneworldyouthproject from Portugal to Vietnam.

Alessandro from Genua in Italy is an active member of the FIAB, this is a cycling club similar to the ADFC in Germany.

In San Remo I meet animal rights activist Daniele. The 25-year mountain bike guide is active on Sea Sheperd and Raw Till 4 Italy. The group is doing a lot of things to make vegan lifestyle popular in Italy. 

Slurp Gelateria in San Remo - best delicious vegan icecream in the world!! mjammm

The bakers from the best shop for bicycle traveler,  RCICLA RENTALS in Lissabon. You can eat vegan cakes in the bike Café, while bike-check is running.

Ana Sousa is a designer who deals with veganism and animal welfare. Her works of the exhibition "Prayers To Nature" are mainly drawings with animal depictions and Beautiful poem in relation to the animals and the artist herself. 

Nuno, active member of the NGO AVP for animal rights in Portugal is doing a good job for the street animals in his country.

Black Mamba, Vegan Burgers and Record Shop in Porto. Meeting and info point for the vegan scene.

I meet some members of the NGO Bilboko Ekintza Antiespecista, who are fighting for human and animal rights in Spain. They are doing fantastic jobs and translate info-books from english to spanish, Workshops, Vegan Festivals and much more. 

Julie Marlene Simal , active member from the NGO Cercle Antispéciste in Brussels is fighting for animal rights and vegan organic farming.

Roots of Compassion Vegan Cycling Team in Germany with me and Marc Pierschel, international autor and movie maker.

Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel - VEGAN Organic Farming since 1978 in Germany. Here I learn a lot about vegan farming. It's wonderful to see this successful work.

Hof Butenland - life yard in Germany is a farm, where animals are allowed to live in harmony with their species and in peace. Jan Gerdes and Karin Mück are fighting for animal rights and save cows and other big and small animals from the slaughter.